Brownfield Briefing Ground Water Remediation 21 May 2015, UK

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Recent presentations by Paul Nathanail (LQM) and Catherine Leaf (RAMBOLL) in London on nanoremediation and the NanoRem project attracted a lot of interest at a London conference last May.  The presentations were ranked very highly by delegates, and indeed the highlight of the event.

The meeting was organised by the publication "Brownfields Briefing" on "New Techniques & Practical Solutions for the Cost-Effective Risk Assessment & Remediation of Groundwater", and took place Thursday 21st May 2015, 15 Hatfields, London.

Paul is a member of the NanoRem project team and Cathy is a member of the Project Advisory Group.  You can download a copy of their presentations below:


Paul Bardos | 02/06/2015 14:52

Taking Nanotechnological Remediation Processes from Lab Scale to End User Applications for the Restoration of a Clean Environment.
This project has received funding from the European Union Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/2007-2013) under grant agreement No. 309517
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